Hey folks,
last weekend the german championship run down. I already informed you about the slopestyle and on sunday we competed at the halpipe competition. Lucas won again the rookie class souvereign. I landed on the 4th place behind Thomas Hlawitschka, who won, Sebi Geiger and Max Kroneck. I'm pretty stoked, because this was my first Halpipe day since 2 years.
Right after the competition, Sebi Geiger, Sebastian Scheck, Gumper Schmidt, Sabrina Cakmakli, my brother and I drove to Italy, Livigno. We stayed there 6 days and we had no internet, that's the reason for the bad blogging last week.
The park is awesome, just the Italiens are really slow, so the have started everyday shaping at 9 O'clock and finished at 11 am. Here are some pictures and the first Episode.
Gumper |
Waschtl with Bdog |
Sebi Cork 7 revmute |
Lucas |
Lucas Flat 3 |
Tobi flat 5 bow'n arrow |
waschtl Banger flat 7 blunt
Guenzproject EP 1.0
During the last week we founded a new video project, with some episodes, called Guenzproject.
On wednesday we are going to Kaunertal for the LEGS OF STEEL shoot. The kicker gonna be awesome, can't wait to hit it.
So stay tuned
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